Get Involved With RVR

The RVR family is large, spanning generations, and we are thankful and grateful to all who have served and supported us in our mission to create a wholesome environment where guests may grow to their full, God-given potential! If you're looking for ways to come alongside River Valley Ranch and get involved with your gifts, time, and talents, please explore the following pages:

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RVR camp counselor

Work at RVR

Each year RVR hires some of the most passionate, energetic, and talented young men and women on the planet to help inspire, teach, lead, nurture, and grow our campers, and to serve our guests with the love of Christ at our summer camps in Maryland. We employ year long interns, over 120 seasonal summer staff, offer a summer teen discipleship/work program, and periodic full-time openings. Our staff are interviewed extensively to insure they are spiritually grounded in their faith as they seek to help make a forever-difference in the lives of campers. If that gets you excited then click to Find out more about working at RVR >>

RVR camper on playground

Support RVR

From utilities and maintenance, to programming, staffing, and offering camp scholarships to underprivileged families, the ministry of RVR would not be possible without your generous and faithful support! Find out about opportunities to Support RVR >>

RVR volunteers discussing

Volunteer at RVR

And then there’s the volunteers. We not only cherish our volunteers, we simply could not do what we do without them. We rely on generous, dedicated people to help us achieve our goals and uphold our core values by sharing their time, talents, and hearts with us at RVR events, workdays, and more. Find out more about Volunteer Opportunities >>